I am looking for book about the pipes and the fitting pipes can i find any books about that because i started studying (ammatti) as ( putkimies ) so please…


I am looking for book about the pipes and the fitting pipes can i find any books about that because i started studying (ammatti) as ( putkimies ) so please could you send me the names of the books .


Last updated

Your question is so specific that i would suggest you ask in your school library or your teachers for help. In public libraries i found searching with putkiremontti this book Home plumbing manual / Andy Blackwell, 2012, with putket several guidebooks about standars by Suomen standardoimisliitto SFS ry:  Teollisuuseristys = Industrial insulations. Suomen standardisoimisliitto SFS ry | 2016; Viemäreiden sisäpuoliset saneerausmenetelmät = Renovation of drains and sewers with no-dig methods / [julkaisija:] Suomen standardisoimisyhdistys SFS2014; Teollisuusputkistot = Industrial piping : materiaalit, valmistus ja tarkastus = materials, manufacturing and inspection / käsikirjan sisällöstä vastaava toimialayhteisö: METSTA Metalliteollisuuden stadardisointiyhdistys ; [julkaisija:] Suomen standardisoimisliitto 2014; Putkiston kannatus = Pipe supporting / [julkaisija] Suomen standardisoimisliitto SFS and others.


I tried searching Omnia's library database, but did'nt find anything in English, so it would be more efficient if you talked with your librarian or teacher.


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