Ask a librarian team, I have a question about libraries in prisons in Helsinki and in hole Finland. Do you have libraries in prisons and are they in a good…


Hello Ask a librarian team,
I have a question about libraries in prisons in Helsinki and in hole Finland. Do you have libraries in prisons and are they in a good shape? Who is taking care about them, a librarian or some people, working in the prison? Do you have any publications or links about these libaries in Finalnd and maybe about libraries in prisons in the hole northern countries?


Last updated

You can find some information about libraries in Finnish prisons on the page of Vankeinhoitolaitos > Tietopankki > Kirjasto. On that page it says that there are libraries for prisoners in prisons and that the libraries are taken care of by the prisons themselves. On the same page there is a link to Vankeinhoitolaitoksen kirjasto ( Under Library (on the bottom on the left) you can find some information in English. On the page you can also find their email-address ( It is best to turn directly to this special library with your questions.

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