At the Iso Omena (Matinkylä) bus terminal, there is an artwork outside the Markkinakatu exit (C). It is a large black box, whose sides light up to show various words. Where can I find more information about this piece and other contemporary artworks around the city?
Unfortunately, most pages are only in finnish...
You can find a list of outdoor works of art owned by the City of Espoo here:
The Espoon perinneseura has made its own list:
The city of Kauniainen, surrounded by Espoo, has its own works of art:
At the Iso omena mall is two artworks: Piispansillan sisäänkäynnille sijoittuu Antti-Ville Reinikaisen työ Haat ja Markkinakadun puolelle Otto Karvosen Puhuva pinta. =
Shopping malls also own art.: Antti-Ville Reinikainen's work Haat is located at the entrance of the Bishop's Bridge and Otto Karvonen's Talking Surface on the Market Street Side
In addition to Emma, the Museum of Contemporary Art can also be found in Espoo:
Keras arts program - Contemporary art in building a nice city center
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