Can I get a book on the social services? I want to know what is all about and to know more about it?


Can I get a book on the social services? I want to know what is all about and to know more about it?


Last updated

I searched from Helsinki metropolitan area's library database Helmet, .

I found the following about social services in English:

1. Richards, Judy: "The complete A-Z health & social care handbook" (Hodder & Stoughton, 1999)

2. Niemelä, Heikki: "Social security in Finland" (Helsinki, Social Insurance Institution, 2006)

3. "The third sector in Finland : review to research of the Finnish third sector" editors: Martti Siisiäinen, Petri Kinnunen, Elina Hietanen (Finnish Federation for Social Welfare and Health, 2000)

4. "What are we doing there? : experiences and lessons learned from development cooperation in health care and social welfare (1990-2005)" editors: Ursula Aaltonen and Simo Mannila (National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health , 2005)

5. "The young, the old and the state : social care systems in five industrial nations" edited by Anneli Anttonen, John Baldock, Jorma Sipilä (Edgar Elgar, 2003)

I found several websites about social services in Finland:

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