Can you provide me with a good source to begin researching my family who came from Etelavartsala, Kustavi. Thank you for any assistance you can provide.


Can you provide me with a good source to begin researching my family who came from Etelavartsala, Kustavi.
Thank you for any assistance you can provide.


Last updated

For an English speaking person there are two informative web sources of Finnish genealogy:

The Swedish-Finn Historical Society, based in Seattle, has all-English web pages. There you can for example discuss your case in The Finlander Forum, which has specific threads for genealogy, relatives search etc. Please be sure to check also the links provided in the pages.

One of the links leads to the English pages of The Genealogical Society of Finland. Among other things the society maintains HisKi, a complementing database of old church records. HisKi contains lists of christenings, marriages, burials and moves. It is also possible to register to a mailing list where people interested in Finnish genealogy or genealogy related to Finland may communicate, requesting and sharing information, sources, and techniques.

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