Can you tell me how I could find The Death Gate Cycles by Margaret Weis printed in the finnish language?


Can you tell me how I could find The Death Gate Cycles by Margaret Weis printed in the finnish language?


Last updated

The Death Gate Cycle was published in Finnish by Otava. The Finnish name of the series is Kuolemanportti. Names of the books are:

Dragonwing - Lohikäärmeen siipi (1997, paperback 2001)
Elven star - Haltioiden tähti (1998, paperback 2001)
Fire sea - Tulimeri (1998)
Serpent mage - Käärmemaagi (1999)
The hand of chaos - Kaaoksen käsi (1999)
Into the labyrinth - Labyrinttiin (2000)
Seventh gate - Seitsemäs portti (2000)

The editions are sold out. They are available in most of the libraries. For used copies contact second-hand bookshops.

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