Could you, please, tell me what is the nearest bus-stop and 2 nearest libraries in Kamppi area? The scedule for the library bus is in Finnish.


Could you, please, tell me what is the nearest bus-stop and 2 nearest libraries in Kamppi area? The scedule for the library bus is in Finnish.


Last updated

In Kamppi area the two nearest stops for the mobile libraries are Ruoholahti (Ruoholahdentori, Wednesday 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM) and Kruununhaka (Liisankatu 1, Tuesday 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM).

The nearest libraries to Kamppi area are Library 10 (Elielinaukio 2 G, 00100 Helsinki, next to the Central railway station) and Töölö Library (Topeliuksenkatu 6, 00250 Helsinki).…

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