Dear Sir! I wonder about inheritance rules for digital contents(Email, Blog, Homepage for social networking, Game avatar etc) If someone die in a sudden, He or…


Dear Sir!
I wonder about inheritance rules for digital contents(Email, Blog, Homepage for social networking, Game avatar etc)
If someone die in a sudden, He or she will left a lots of web based digital contents.
I want to know
1. Is it possible to inherit digital contents from the passing away person?
2. If Q1 is possible, Is there any laws or directions in Filand?
3. If Q2 is impossible or not clear, Is there any similar things or example?
Best regard!


Last updated

Dear Sir

According to the [Finnish) Copyright Act (404/1961)

Anyone who has created a literary or artistic work has a copyright for his/her work (in section 1).

(The work can be e.g. in digital form or the work can be published on the web, but it has to be a work. I'm sure You understand well, that in many cases there is a difficult judicial question about that if some creation is/is not a work.)

After the death of the author the copyright is applicable to matrimonial law, wills and succession rules. (in section 41)

Unfortunately the Copyright Act translation is not available in Finlex (an open judicial data bank on the web). You can ask for a translation to English of the Ministry of the Justice

I hope this information gives You some help to Your questions.

Best regards

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