Dear Sir /Madam I am Masoumeh Omid , master student of library and information science University of Tehran ,IranI am writing to guide you for my thesis. That…


Dear Sir /Madam
I am a master student of library and information science University of Tehran, IranI am writing to guide you for my thesis. That's about world libraries services for blind and visual impaired people. Please, If services are provided to the blind at Sello Library, please send me a service list document.


Last updated

In Sello Library - as well as in other Espoo City Library Libraries as well - Customers can register themselves for a user of Celia -services. Celia offers plenty of services for visual impaired people. See
In the past the audiobooks were outloaned from a physical Library building as Compact discs, but nowadays the audiobooks are served via net directly to the customer.

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