Dear Sir/Madam, I'm doing a small marketing research about Finnish hair salons and barber shops and I faced one question that I have been searching for for a…


Dear Sir/Madam,
I'm doing a small marketing research about Finnish hair salons and barber shops and I faced one question that I have been searching for for a very long time and still did not find. So, the question is "How many hair salons and barber shops are there situated in Finland?". This question is needed to calculate the competition. Thank you very much in advance for your answer.


Last updated

There is information about barber shops and hair salons at Tilastokeskus (Statistics Finland) web pages.
Year 2012 was the newest I found, and then there were 13 706 hairdressers and barbers in Finland (… )
Verohallinto (Tax Administration) tells there were 12 283 barber and hairdressing businesses in Finland in the same year 2012.

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