Dear sir or madam, I am an student of Library and Information Science from Spain and I am doing a research about public libraries comparing their active…


Dear sir or madam,

I am an student of Library and Information Science from Spain and I am doing a research about public libraries comparing their active strategy programme. That is why I am asking you since I could not find it in the Helsinki Central Library webpage, which is the library that I am studing. Where could I find it if it is posible?

Thanks in advance.


Last updated

I'm not quite sure, what your question was. If you are looking for a library strategy, we have a guideline for public libraries (the previous one was called strategy),…, which contains the stress points in our library activities. If you are looking for Helsinki City Library strategy, it was updated 2015, but since the city organization has changed the library is a part of the city strategy, Helsinki City Strategy,…. The former one stated that vision for the library was to enrich the thoughts and ideas of, to offer knowledge, skills and stories and that way to create a new citizens society. I couldn't find more recent documents or information about plans to renew this vision but you could ask the media contact person in Helsinki City Library organization, address included.

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