Do you have some kind of Inter Library Loan (ILL) system similar to the one in universities in Finland? For e.g.…


Do you have some kind of Inter Library Loan (ILL) system similar to the one in universities in Finland?
For e.g.


Last updated

Yes, we do have an inter library loan system - but, unfortunately, the inter library loan request form to be found in the web has not yet been translated into English: it is only available in Finnish and Swedish. If you understand Finnish, you can find a suitable form at under the headings Kaukopalvelu - Kaukopalvelu henkilöasiakkaille. There you can also check the charges. Just to summarize the principles:
- an inter library loan costs 0,80 e
- if you live in Helsinki, there are no other charges if the loan is sent from Finland or other Nordic countries
- if you are not an inhabitant of Helsinki, the charges depend on the sending library (from Nordic countries 8,50 e)
- an inter library loan from outside Nordic countries costs 22,00 e

The direct URL of the inter library loan request is
Yet it is also possible (and probably easier for you) to send the request simply by e-mail. The adress is Please don't forget to give not only your e-mail adress but also your mail adress and telephone number.

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