I am new to Finland and got the information that the library has common closed spaces to practice dance. I was interested to know which room…


I am new to Finland and got the information that the library has common closed spaces to practice dance. I was interested to know which room in cello Library will be useful for dance practice regularly.
I tried to check in https://varaamo.espoo.fi/search?date=2021-08-03&purpose=photo-and-audio… there are music rooms and call rooms. But i am not sure which one of these has enough space.

Thanks in Advance,



Unfortunately, libraries do not have closed spaces suitable for dancing. (We will be happy to take performances on our stages when Covid is over.)

The facilities in Varaamo are for musicians and singers.

Schools have bookable spaces to suit the wider movement. https://www.espoo.fi/fi-fi/kulttuuri_ja_liikunta/liikunta/liikunta_ja_ulkoilupaikat/koulujen_liikuntatilat

(This page is only available in Finnish.) You can ask more at liikuntapaikkavaraukset@espoo.fi

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