How to fill out the question form

Question form

Here we will publish instructions that will help you to fill out the question form.

The Ask a Librarian service is the free online reference service of the Finnish libraries. Our answerers help you find sources, literature and webpages, that contain the information you need.

  1. The obligatory fields are marked (required).
  2. Your question:

    Write one question in the form. Please, try to be clear.

    If you want to send feedback to a specific library, send it directly to their email or feedback. You can find addresses of Finnish libraries in the Library Directory,

    The questions and answers are published for the most part. Don't write your personal information in the question form. If you want to give personal information, write it in the Additional details -field.

    Spam will be deleted.
  3. Additional details:

    You can tell us what you already know about the subject or what you need the information for.

    If you want to target your question to a specific answering group, choose a theme in the list. The special libraries are listed on the page Participating libraries.

    You can send a picture or sound as an attachment. Remember that pictures also can be published.
  4. Email address:

    We’ll send the answer to your email, so please double-check the address. If you don't hear from us after three working days, contact us, Check also that your mail-box isn't full and your junk mail.

The answer

  1. The answerers are librarians, we recommend you sources, literature and webpages, where you can find information.

    We don't write essays or do your homework or give opinions. We have no expertise in matters of law or medicin, in these also, we recommend you sources.

    We have no open address-directories in our use, we can not search addresses of private persons for you.
  2. You are responsible for the way you use the answer. 
  3. We publish the questions which can help other information seekers.