I am a FI-EN translator and I'm looking for a Finnish idiom dictionary, a Finnish equivalent of the Oxford Dictionary of Idioms. Do you know whether such a…



I am a FI-EN translator and I'm looking for a Finnish idiom dictionary, a Finnish equivalent of the
Oxford Dictionary of Idioms. Do you know whether such a thing exists?



Last updated

There is no monolingual dictionary of Finnish idioms as comprehensive as The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms available. The only similar book would be Naulan kantaan : nykysuomen idiomisanakirja (Otava, 1993). 

Though not quite what you are looking for, the phrasal dictionary Suurella sydämellä ihan sikana : suomen kielen kuvaileva fraasisanakirja (Gummerus, 2008) covers many Finnish idioms.

You might also find the following bilingual dictionaries useful: 

Suomi-englanti idiomi- ja fraasisanakirja (Art House, 2007)

Bird in the hand is worth kymmenen oksalla : 50 Finnish/English idioms in English and Finnish (WSOY, 2002)

Parempi pyy pivossa kuin two in the bush : 50 Finnish idioms in English and Finnish = 50 englantilaista idiomia suomeksi ja englanniksi (WSOY, 2004)

It's not my heiniä : 50 Finnish idioms in English and Finnish = 50 englantilaista idiomia suomeksi ja englanniksi (WSOY, 2006)

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