I am a Library Science student looking at Finnish libraries, and I was hoping to ask a few questions: • What is the degree necessary for working as a librarian…


Hi, I am a Library Science student looking at Finnish libraries, and I was hoping to ask a few questions:

• What is the degree necessary for working as a librarian?
• How and where taught?
• Credentials needed for school librarians?

It seems that school libraries are not as common and they instead often use public libraries, is this true and how is that done geographically?
Lastly, how would you describe your major public libraries (main departments, holdings, locations, constituents, goals)?
Thank you in advance for your assistance!


Last updated

You can find answers to all your questions from Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture: http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/Kirjastot/?lang=en

The Finnish School Library Association: http://suomenkoulukirjastoyhdistys.fi/eng/

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