I am an Egyptian student , I am doing my master in Library and Information science, My theses is about (Egyptian public libraries web sites on Internet). In my…


I am an Egyptian student , I am doing my master in Library and Information science, My theses is about (Egyptian public libraries web sites on Internet). In my study I will analyze both your library's site and the Egyptian public libraries' sites and I'll compare between them.
The result of this comparison will be developing a site with high technical and search capabilities in addition to user friendliness and suitable design.
So, would you kindly provide me with the following information:
1. The date your site was published ?
2. who is in charge of the site management ?
3. what is the time interval of the site update nance ?
In addition, any other information or resources that can help me in my study.


Last updated

I assume that your question concerns the Libraries.fi(Kirjastot.fi)-web site (http://www.kirjastot.fi , http://www.biblioteken.fi , http://www.libraries.fi ). This website was originally the website of Finnish Public Libraries. Presently there are also other Libraries in the service, that is why it now is the Website of Finnish Libraries. It was published for the first time june 1995.

The first problem that you face is the fact that our english website is only a very much shortened version of the finnish and the swedish websites. So if you want to compare your Egyptian website with the Finnish one, you would have to explore the finnish version of the site. Some information about Kirjastot.fi can be read in the infopage, http://www.libraries.fi/info .

The information on the editors of the site can be found in the following address, http://www.libraries.fi/editors/ . The site is updated by the editors and partly by libraries and their staff ongoing.

Further information about the Kirjastot.fi can be found e.g. in the following articles,
Kirjastot.fi / Matti Sarmela, Libraries.fi, SPLQ 4/2004, http://www.splq.info/issues/vol37_4/08.htm
Publiclibraries dot Finland / Matti Sarmela, Libraries.fi, SPLQ 1/2002, http://www.splq.info/issues/vol35_1/04.htm

In case you are interested in the Helsinki City Library webite, the address is http://www.lib.hel.fi/?_lang_id=EN . There are publications in these pages that might be of interest to you, http://www.lib.hel.fi/page.asp?_item_id=2230&_lang_id=FI . E.g. the following article presents the beginnings of the virtual services and electronic services in Helsinki City Library, the Cable Book library beeing the first library in the world offering Internet-connections and workstations for customers to use, Helsinki City Library - The Virtual Library/ Sirkka Elina Svedberg (4/97) http://pandora.lib.hel.fi/julkaisut/virtual-eng.html .

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