I am interested in the comparision of the Standard of Living between Finland and the UK, e.g. cost of rent, cars, day-today living etc. Could you send me…


I am interested in the comparision of the Standard of Living between Finland and the UK, e.g. cost of rent, cars, day-today living etc. Could you send me information please ?


Last updated

You will find a lot of information of living in Finland in the book of Victoria Pybus Live & work in Scandinavia (1995). A useful site is the Guide for moving to Finland of the Finnish Labour Administration http://www.mol.fi/migration/muuttaja.html If you are interested in general information of the Finnish society and way of living you'll find it e.g. in Virtual Finland http://virtual.finland.fi/ of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland. For statistical information of Finland there is the Finland in Figures on the site of the Statistics Finland http://www.stat.fi/tk/tp/tasku/suomilukuina.html (in Finnish) or http://www.stat.fi/tk/tp/tasku/suomilukuina_en.html (in English) Links to sites for basic information for foreigners and immigrants you will find on the Multicultural Library of the Helsinki City Library, in Eglish http://www.lib.hel.fi/mcl/ulko-eng.htm and in Finnish http://www.lib.hel.fi/mcl/ulko-fin.htm Among them is e.g. The Citizen's guide http://www.opas.vn.fi/english/ There are comparisons of prices and rents on the site of the Finnish Consumer Agency http://www.kuluttajavirasto.fi/tietoa/ and
http://www.kuluttajavirasto.fi/tietoa/asuminen/vertailu.html#11 In OECD statistics there are comparative price levels on the site http://www.oecd.org/std/nadata.htm And a lot of links to housing sites contains the Makupalat directory of the Hämeenlinna City Library URL http://www.htk.fi/kirjasto/asunto2.htm and to car sites in the URL

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