Hei, I am looking for a list of books that are AGE appropriate for 5-year old or 6-year old kids. Also, if you have a list of games (example: Afrikan tahti), that are suitable for 5/6 year old kids, that would be really appreciated. Interested in these books in Finnish, English and/or Spanish. At päiväkoti, a techer mentioned the "Fairy List" or something like "Satukirja..." so your expertise is needed please.
Kiitos erittain paljon avusta!
Here are some children´s weblinks with reading tips and booklists. (Sorry, but in Finnish only)
Lukudiplomi http://kirjasto.vantaa.fi/lukudiplomi/DiplomiNaytto.php?dipl=15
Okariino http://www.okariino.fi/tarinativoli
Kuvakirjat eri aihepiireistä http://www.helmet.fi/fi-FI/Lapset/Kasvattajille/Kuvakirjat_eri_aihepiir…
Board games for children in HelMet libraries
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