I am looking for book that help me in preparation of the exam, the exam is related to Finnish license to practice medicine in Finland. the exam will be in…


Hi, I am looking for book that help me in preparation of the exam, the exam is related to Finnish license to practice medicine in Finland. the exam will be in finnish, some advices hand book for clinical examination ? could you help me in finding this book please?
Kindly, the book should be in finnish?
Thank you very much.


Last updated

At least the following books deal with clinical examination and might be useful for you (they can all be found in the Turku city library):

Kliinisen tutkimuksen etiikka : opas tutkijoille ja eettisille toimikunnille (2015).

Kliinisen tutkijan opas (2000).

Kliininen hoitotyö : sisätauteja, kirurgisia sairauksia ja syöpätauteja sairastavan hoito (2012).

Potilaan tutkiminen (2009).

Kliinisen fysiologian perusteet (2012).

Toimintakyky : arviointi ja kliininen käyttö (2004).

Sairaan hyvä lääkäri (2012).

Lääkäriksi (2007).

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