I am looking for information on dr.Allan Lassus of the university of Helsinki and the product he invented called viviscal.


I am looking for information on dr.Allan Lassus of the university of Helsinki and the product he invented called viviscal.


Last updated

Contact Information about Allan Lassus you can find here:
The homepage of the clinic where he has his consulting hours is in address http://enetti.com/net/fertia/.

And then some publications of Allan Lassus (some are published only in Finnish):
- Boston laser-käsittely yhdistettynä joko Viviscalin tai placebon (lumelääke) kanssa kaljuuden käsittelyyn miehillä sekä naisilla placebo-ohjattu, satunnainen vertaileva tutkimus päänahan biostimulaatio (5) Boston HeNe 632,8 nm laserilla
-Epidemiological survey of psoriasis in the Greater Helsinki area
-Fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test as a serological test for syphilis
-Treponemal and lipoidal tests in old treated syphilis A clinical evaluation of 367 cases with special reference to the fluorescent treponemal antibody-absorption (FTA-ABS) test

About Viviscal you can find information by writing the name viviscal for example in the search field of Google. You can also try with searh "Viviscal Lassus"
Here is one hit:

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