I am looking for this article:
Aarne A. Koskinen "1960 Ariki, the first born. An analysis of the Polynesian Chieftain title. The Folklore Fellow Communication? Academia Scientarum Fennica vol. 74, 1, Nr. 181. I am living in Tahiti, interested in Polynesian culture especially, bamboo flutes. There are no libraries here.
The book can be found in Finland from HELKA - Union Online Catalogue of the University of Helsinki Libraries http://helka.csc.fi/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?DB=local&PAGE=First
Tekijä(t): Koskinen, Aarne A. Nimeke: Ariki the first-born : an analysis of a Polynesian chieftain title / Aarne A. Koskinen Julkaistu: Helsinki : Suomalainen tiedeakatemia, 1960-1961 Ulkoasu: 191, 155 s. Sarja: (FF communications, ISSN 0014-5815 ; n:o 181-182)
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