I am studying globalization of Finland in my college class and was wanting some information about it. Can you provide me with some areas that I might be able…


I am studying globalization of Finland in my college class and was wanting some information about it. Can you provide me with some areas that I might be able to research so that I can complete my essay on this subject?


Last updated

I found two publications about the subject in a database called "WorldCat":

Timonen, Virpi: Restructuring the welfare state :
globalisation and social policy reform in Finland and Sweden.
Cheltenham, UK ; Northhampton, Mass. : Edward Elgar Pub.,2003.

Nestingen, Andrew K: Why nation? :
globalization and national culture in Finland, 1980-2001.
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2001.

There are also some articles about globalization of Finland, that I found in a database called "Ebsco":

Sipilä, Jorma: Opening Remarks, 1 July 2001, Tampere.
Social Work in Health Care; 2004, Vol. 39 Issue 1/2, p7, 4p.
business enterprises
congresses & conventions
international trade

Measuring Economic Reversals, Forward Momentum globalization.
Foreign Policy; Mar/Apr2004 Issue 141, p54, 16p, 1 chart, 5 graphs.
international economic integration

Rinne, Risto: The Globalisation of Education: Finnish education on the doorstep of the new EU millennium.
Educational Review; Jun2000, Vol. 52 Issue 2, p131, 12p.
education & state

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