I am undertaking research into printers and publishers of early Finnish picture postcards from 1900 to 1930. One particular publisher, S& K Kouvola, reproduced…


I am undertaking research into printers and publishers of early Finnish picture postcards from 1900 to 1930. One particular publisher, S& K Kouvola, reproduced illustrations of well known American artists of the time (such as Harrison Fisher). I believe they were in business around 1918/1920 but have no other information. Do you have any records of this company and more details of their work? Any information would be gratefully received.


Last updated

Information of this kind was difficult to find, i tried to look in books about finnish postcards, but did'nt find your publisher on the publishers list (it contained only the most important publishers).

Maby these addresses could be helpful, the first one is a club for stamp and postcard-collectors in Kouvola, Kouvolan Postimerkkikerho ry, http://www.kolumbus.fi/eero.ravi/index4.html , the second one is the society for the finnish postcard collectors, Suomen Postikorttiyhdistys Apollo ry, http://www.postikorttiyhdistys.org .
There is a Postmuseum in Finland, and they have a special library, Postimuseon kirjasto, address: Postimuseo, Kirjasto, PL 167, 00101 HELSINKI
Telephone: 0204 51 4771, or 0204 51 5262
Telefax: 0204 51 5263
email: postimuseo@posti.fi
open: 9-18 mo-fri

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