I am writing to inquire on how to apply for employment in the Iso Omena Library? Thank you in advance for your time.


Hello, I am writing to inquire on how to apply for employment in the Iso Omena Library? Thank you in advance for your time.



In Espoo, the recruitment of libraries is done centrally.

You can submit your application using the form found at Espoo.fi -> Jobs and enterprise -> Open positions -> Harjoittelu (trainees)


If you have any questions Työkokeilu.kirjasto@espoo.fi

Datanomien TOP-paikatDatanomi.kirjasto@espoo.fi

Language Training: Kieliharjoittelu.kirjasto@espoo.fi

Other: Rekrytointi.kirjasto@espoo.fi


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Hi ,

I have recently relocated to Helsinki. Have done my Master in Library Information from India. I am in search of a job. What are the selection criteria to work in a library

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