I barrowed somethings from Espoo Library then i moved to Hameenlinna. is it ok if I give my books to Hameenlonna Library? Thank You


Hi. I borrowed somethings from Espoo Library then i moved to Hameenlinna.
is it ok if I give my books to Hameenlinna Library?
Thank You



No, sorry, but you can't return books you borrowed from Espoo to Hämeenlinna. Espoo library belongs to Helmet libraries, and Hämeenlinna library to Vanamo libraries. You must return your loans from Espoo to Espoo or some other Helmet library. If you want to become a customer of Vanamo libraries, you need a new library card. You may obtain library card by presenting a photo ID at the service desk in any of the Vanamo libraries. Same card is valid in Hämeenlinna, Hattula, and Janakkala.

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