I have searched all over Libraries.fi, but cannot find a link to job opportunities for libraries in Finland. How can I find out if you have vacancies?


I have searched all over Libraries.fi, but cannot find a link to job opportunities for libraries in Finland. How can I find out if you have vacancies?


Last updated

When it comes to Libraries.fi, a link to vacancies can be found only on the Finnish and Swedish versions of the site. I believe the reason for this is simply the fact that if one speaks nothing but English, one cannot work in Finnish libraries.

In Finnish: www.kirjastot.fi - kirjastoala - ammattikalenteri - avoimia työpaikkoja.

In Swedish: www.biblioteken.fi - biblioteksbranschen - fackkalendern - lediga tjänster.

In addition to this, vacancies (all branches) in Finland can be found via the site of the Ministry of Labour in Finland (http://www.mol.fi/english/index.html). However, the Internet pages of the labour administration are being revised and so far, only part of the service supply of the labour administration is in English.

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