I'm a Finnish student from Spain and I found the English edition of Fred Karlsson's Finnish grammar. I know that a Spanish version was published but I can't…


Hi, I'm a Finnish student from Spain and I found the English edition of Fred Karlsson's Finnish grammar. I know that a Spanish version was published but I can't find it. Thanks for any tip.


Last updated

The Spanish version of Fred Karlsson's Finnish grammar is Gramática básica del finés (Suomen peruskielioppi, traducción y adaptación: Ursula Ojanen et al., Universidad Autónoma de Madrid : Siglo XXI, distr., 1991, ISBN 84-7477-306-7). The book is available in some university libraries (Helsinki, Turku, Oulu and Jyvaskylä) and as well in some public libraries.

You can check the availability of the item for example in Finna https://finna.fi/ or in Frank Metasearch http://monihaku.kirjastot.fi/en/.

Fennica https://finna.fi


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