I'm a member of Helmet and I've been told that some of the libraries hire out power tools. I've been onto the database and my local library doesn't provide…



I'm a member of Helmet and I've been told that some of the libraries hire out power tools. I've been onto the database and my local library doesn't provide this service and I was wondering which of the libraries do. Unfortunately, I was struggling to find this information on the website.

In particular, I'm looking at hiring an electric sander. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.



You can find all the tools and other objects provided by the Helmet libraries using the Helmet search https://haku.helmet.fi/iii/encore/?lang=eng . The problem for you here might be that all library materials, objects included, are catalogued in the Helmet database in Finnish. If you use the Helmet search for finding objects, choose Advanced search, type * (i.e. one asterisk, meaning "all") in the search field, and choose "Object" from the dropdown menu for Format. This is the search result you will get: https://haku.helmet.fi/iii/encore/search/C__S%28*%29%20f%3Aq__Orightresult__U?lang=eng&suite=cobalt . In this list there are all the objects for borrowing from Helmet libraries.

To find an electric sander you ought to know the corresponding word in Finnish. I am not quite sure if this is correct, but I suppose you are looking for a "hiomakone". This is the search result for such tools: https://haku.helmet.fi/iii/encore/record/C__Rb2246362__Shiomakone__Orightresult__U__X3?lang=fin&suite=cobalt

Thus, it seems that the tools you are looking for could be found in Tapiola and Iso Omena libraries in Espoo.


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