I'm living in Espoo - close to Sello library. I'm working on a research about Finnish hunting history and habits, but I didn't find any English book in HelMet…


I'm living in Espoo - close to Sello library. I'm working on a research about Finnish hunting history and habits, but I didn't find any English book in HelMet web site. I know there is some special library in Riihimäki related to hunting. Can you please check a list of their books in English related to hunting history or habits in Finland?
Thank you a lot


Last updated

Yes, there is a library related to hunting in Riihimäki. However, I'm not able to check their collection. I suggest that you contact them via e-mail or telephone. Here is the address and telephone of this museum and library (Suomen Metsästysmuseo):
Tehtaankatu 23 A
11910 Riihimäki
tel. (019) 722 294
fax (019) 719 378
e-mail info@metsastysmuseo.fi

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