I want to got information about the international affairs between Cuba and United States during the Castro´s Government.


I want to got information about the international affairs between Cuba and United States during the Castro´s Government.


Last updated

Here are some references that I found from different databases. I searched references to your question from Linda and Ebsco. LINDA is the union catalogue of Finnish University Libraries. LINDA contains references on monographs, serials with summary holdings information. EBSCO Information Services provides information access and management solutions through print and electronic journal subscription services, research database development and production, online access to more than 100 databases and thousands of e-journals, and e-commerce book procurement.

References to Monographs from LINDA:

Searchwords: Cuba and U.S.A

Kaplowitz, Donna Rich : Anatomy of a failed embargo : U.S. sanctions against Cuba / Donna Rich Kaplowitz
Boulder, Colo. London : Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1998

Foreign relations of the United States : 1958-1960
Osa: 1958-1960, Vol. 6 : Cuba / editor in chief: John P. Glennon ; editor: Ronald D. Landa
Washington (D.C.) : U.S. Government Printing Office 1991

Reversing relations with former adversaries : U. S. foreign policy after the Cold War / Edited by C. Richard Nelson and Kenneth Weisbrode ; with a foreword by James N. Rosenau
Gainesville, Fl : University Press of Florida, 1998

Draper, Theodore: Abuse of power : U.S. foreign policy from Cuba to Vietnam / Theodore Draper
Harmondsworth : Penguin, 1969

Referneces of publications from Ebsco:
Searchwords: Cuba and U.S.A and relations

Title: U.S. Blockade of a Conference in Cuba.
Authors: Miles, Steven H.
Source: Science; 4/9/2004, Vol. 304 Issue 5668, p207, 5/6p
Document Type: Article

Title: letters.
Authors: Roff, William R.
Howe, Stephen
Ahmad, Omair
Reilly, Andrea Webb
Robson, Paul
Morgan, Rufus
Cummins, Will
Browning, David
Smith, C David
Schulz, William F.
Celestine, Brenda

Source: New Statesman; 1/26/2004, Vol. 133 Issue 4672, p34, 3p

Title: General Assembly to consider peace issues.
Authors: Bjorkman, Len, White, Marilyn

Source: Network News; Spring2000, Vol. 20 Issue 2, p22, 2p
Document Type: Article

Title: USA Engage.
Authors:Barnes, Michael D.
Source: Congressional Digest; Mar99, Vol. 78 Issue 3, p80, 3p, 1bw
Document Type: Article

Title: Editorials.
Authors: Nader, Ralph
Weissman, Robert
Stems, Larry
Shorris, Earl
Mesler, Bill
Source: Nation; 1/26/1998, Vol. 266 Issue 3, p3, 5p
Document Type: Article

Title: Taking a new approach to U.S.-Cuban relations.
Authors:Carroll Jr., Eugene J.
Source: USA Today Magazine; May95, Vol. 123 Issue 2600, p46, 3p, 1bw
Document Type: Article

Internet source:
Searchwords (Google) affairs with Cuba and United Stated + Castro


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