I would like to get information about school libraries in Findlandia. If their function is performed by the public library I would like to know how this…


I would like to get information about school libraries in Findlandia. If their function is performed by the public library I would like to know how this process is carried out and what is their relationship with the schools. I am having a bit of a hard time finding information and I really hope you can recommend sources that might be useful to me. Thank you very much for your time. Best regards.


Last updated

School libraries in Finland are not regulated by the law. School libraries are often very small and most of the services provided to schools by libraries are delivered by the public libraries.

Due to the decline in literacy, schools have been offered money, for example by The Finnish Cultural Foundation, to develop school libraries and purchase books. For further reading (in finnish):

see also:
Sinko, Pirjo. School libraries in Finland : The heart of school seldom beats 
Scandinavian library quarterly 2013 : 1, s. 16-17


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