I would like to have the statistics on 'How much Finnish people read?' how much they read books, how much they buy, how often they use library? in whole Finland I mean, the general statistics, not only in Helsinki area...Thanks so much,
Kind Regards,
You can see the statistics about lending and library use on Libraries.fi website: https://www.libraries.fi/statistics?language_content_entity=en
In 2017, 77% of >10 year old Finns read at least one book in a 6 month period. More statistics about that in the Statistics Finland website (in finnish): http://www.stat.fi/til/vpa/2017/03/vpa_2017_03_2019-04-25_kat_001_fi.html
Yle has written an article in english about the above statistics: https://yle.fi/uutiset/osasto/news/more_people_read_in_finland__but_fewer_books_per_year/10755536
Book sales in 2017 was 549 million euros. Source: Statistics Finland https://www.stat.fi/til/jvie/2017/jvie_2017_2018-11-23_tie_001_en.html
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