I would like to the know the numbers of all Finnish libraries now.
I checked the URL below, I understand there are 1099 libraries in Finland, is that right?
Do the libraries include public libraries, university libraries, polytechnic libraries, special libraries and the National Library of Finland?
If possible I also would like to know the numbers by each type of the libraries.
Thank you for your cooperation.
In 2015, according to the Ministry of Education and Culture, there was a public library in every municipality (301), and most of them also had branch libraries (450) and bookmobiles (140) (2015). http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/Kirjastot/tilastot/?lang=en
However, in a long term, number of public libraries has decreased since 1960 from 4 007 libraries to 765 in 2015.
Number of research libraries and special libraries can be found from the Research Library Statistics Database. Number of libraries depends on the level the numbers are calculated: administrative unit, main library and branch libraries are separated in statistics.
Concerning university libraries, there are 18 university libraries (administratively) with 71 branch libraries linked to them, 20 University of Applied Sciences Libraries, wit 76 branch libraries and 4 joint libraries with 11 branches and 4 special libraries.
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