I would like to ask whether there is the book Bible in the main library of Joensuu? I want to borrow it if there is one. Kiitos paljon, |
434 |
Yes, there are some. You can see the situation from the website below:
I am doing a research on Ivan Timiriasew, russian photographer in Finland, who used to live in Helsinki inbetween 1890-1927. He used to work as a… |
734 |
We have these magazines (they are magazines, not newspapers) in the HelMet book stacks in Pasila library:
There are also collections of his photograph in Museovirasto (National Board of Antiquities)and in Helsingin kaupunginmuseo (Helsinki city Museum)
There are also information of him in the websites of Suomen valokuvataiteen museo (The Finnish Museum of Photography), but unfortunately just in Finnish:
You can find some photographs of Ivan Timiriasev from the websites of Museovirasto:
https://www.kuvakokoelmat.fi/pictures/search/field:… |
Dear Sir, My friend asked me to return the books for her. Can I return the books at my nearest library (Rikhardinkadun kirjasto)? The book was borrowed from… |
618 |
Yes, You can. You can return the material borrowed from Helmet libraires to any HelMet library during its opening hours.
Can I print out nordea bank statement? |
1394 |
You can use a customer computer for printing in any Helmet-library. It is possible - but usually not necessary - to reserve a customer computer online. The reservation system also monitors logging in to the computer. Logging in requires a PIN code that will be checked in the library system.
If You don't have a library card, take Your ID-card with You. The staff provides guidance in using computers, as needed.
Dear Madam or Sir, I have read a news from “Visit Helsinki Blog (http://blog.visithelsinki.fi/en/boat-trip-to-a-nature-reserve-area/)” that Arabianranta… |
564 |
Dear Patron,
Arabianranta Library will help you with this matter. Please call
+358 9 3108 5056 to make inquiries about the boats. Another option is to visit the library.
The price to rent the boats is 10 euros.
Here you can find the library's contact information:
Dear Professionals, Am from India, I did my Masters in Management and Library Science. I have 10 years of experience in Business school libraries as a… |
292 |
Right know employment situation in Finland is not very good. There are many librarians and information specialists who are unemployed. That is why it is not so easy to find a job here. But always You can try. I give you links with contact information to some business school libraries.
Business school libraries in Helsinki:
• Aalto university is the biggest one, but they can’t employ new people this year http://lib.aalto.fi/en/
• Haaga Helia university of applied sciences : http://www.haaga-helia.fi/en/library/about-library/contact-information-…
• Hanken school of economics library : https://www.hanken.fi/en/about-hanken/organisation/library/welcome-hank…
The Finnish National Board of Education is responsible for recognition and… |
I would like to the know the numbers of all Finnish libraries now. I checked the URL below, I understand there are 1099 libraries in Finland, is that right?… |
627 |
In 2015, according to the Ministry of Education and Culture, there was a public library in every municipality (301), and most of them also had branch libraries (450) and bookmobiles (140) (2015). http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/Kirjastot/tilastot/?lang=en
However, in a long term, number of public libraries has decreased since 1960 from 4 007 libraries to 765 in 2015.
Number of research libraries and special libraries can be found from the Research Library Statistics Database. Number of libraries depends on the level the numbers are calculated: administrative unit, main library and branch libraries are separated in statistics.
Concerning university libraries, there are 18… |
I was wondering if you had access to machines to repair a scratched CD and if I can ask for a personal CD repair or access such a machine in one of the… |
494 |
No, we don't have that service at the time.
You can ask about CD repair service of console game stores, for example.
Dear Sir/ Madame, I am writer and art journalist right now at artist in residence project at Nelimarkka museum in Alajarvi. I would like to write an article… |
363 |
Thank you for your request. Unfortunately I did not quite understand if it is Alajärvi Library that you would like to visit or some library in Helsinki.
If you meant Alajärvi Library, it would be best for you to contact them straight. Their e-mail address is kirjasto(at)alajarvi.fi .
If on the other hand it is Helsinki City Library that you are interested in, you could contact tiina.tarvonen(at)hel.fi . Here in Helsinki City Library we would be glad to give you a guided tour in the library and all the information you need. Your book donations would also be very welcome in our collections.
Further information about Helsinki City Library in general:
about Pasila Library (Main Library) in particular:
http://… |
Is there any specially published reading materials for the elderly readers? such as books/magazines with larger letters or font so that they can read easily. |
272 |
There are some large print editions of books. You can check their availability in Helmet by using search words such as "large print" or isotekst*.
Here are the search results:
There only seems to be one magazine in large print in Helmet libraries:
If you are also looking for materials the contents of which are aimed at elderly readers, there are books like that too. One typical example this kind of books are the handbooks of using computers and the internet, written especially for senior citizens, e.g. the following:
http://… |
Finnish Libraries are using a software for their E services (like borrowing books online, finding a book in a library....) I want to know which software… |
498 |
In Helsinki City Library, we use Sierra by Innovative Interfaces (https://www.iii.com/products/sierra). It’s a commercial software. You can find more about the library systems used in Finland at http://www.kirjastot.fi/fi/kirjastoala/kirjastojarjestelmat#.V1Wlz015I5t. Especially Koha (http://www.koha.org) is interesting as it is an open source software.
Our E-book systems have been integrated to Sierra, but they use different commercial sites. They are OverDrive (https://www.overdrive.com/) and Ellibs (http://www.ellibs.com).
I was in Pasila Library this morning and registered for a library card. I checked out 2 books. Then decided to get 2 movie cd's. I made a mistake of pressing… |
413 |
You only have four loans at the moment and none of them have been booked twice. At times it may happen that an item is printed twice on the receipt but it does not mean that you have made a double loan.
You can check your loans at http://www.helmet.fi/en-US. Log in through the link at the top of the page, then click your own name and then the link Loans.
I'm wondering if there's printing possibilities in Helsinki Library 10 or Kallio available? If so, how much does it cost (A4, black & white)? Thanks in… |
1707 |
It is possible to print in Library 10 and Kallio Library, as well as in all the HelMet Libraries.
One page costs 40 cents. In the libraries, where there is the self service printing possibility, You can print five sheets in three months free-of-charge.
I'd like to know whether the Finnish libraries have a central catalogue, open to everyone, to check in which Finnish library a book is to be found. Fot… |
626 |
You can localize materials in Finnish libraries using Frank Multisearch (see the link below). You can find library books and other materials from almost all the Finnish libraries that are open and also from several different databases simultaneously.
My name is Renan, I'm from Brazil, i'll start to study Library degree in 2016, my goal since 13 years is work or study in Finland or Nordic Countries, I… |
594 |
You can find very much information from the website of Finnish National Board of Education (Opetushalitus):
Information about qualification requirements in libraries you can find here, but unfortunately just in Finnish and Swedish:
I am getting the message that you can not renew any item as your registration has expired. Please suggest the needful. |
653 |
You should visit the library in person and take ID card with you. We'll then continue your registration and the renewals will function again. Sorry for your trouble!
Find your library:
I have a question about corwypited material that has been changed and then used in a performance. I am a voiceover artist who is also in University. I have… |
530 |
First, we have to tell you that we are not copyright specialists, so this answer has been given by amateurs.
According the Finnish Copyright Law (“Tekijänoikeuslaki”, http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/ajantasa/1961/19610404), translations and adaptations are protected by the law, so you need a permission from the author when making adaptations. If it’s the same text in other words, I think it will be considered an adaptation. In the Finnish Copyright Law, there is no fair use as in USA.
I'm from Brazil and I have do a academic work and Did can you answer any questions about reference service? Supposed I need a book, a book about the museum in… |
605 |
Here below is the website of The Viking Ship Museum in Norway (Oslo):
There is also a viking ship museum in Danmark (Roskilde):
You can find books published by this museum here:
Here is also some books about viking ships:
- The Viking Ship / Gareth Williams
- The Viking Longship / Jørn Olav Løset
- The age of the Vikings / Anders Winroth
Maybe there is something useful for you also in these websites:
Dear Librarian, I founded home "Lost: first and second completed season" at DVD in english, french and spanish in origin. Subtittles are also available. I don… |
743 |
You can bring the DVD to the library, if they have a place for donations and voluntary recycling of materials (many libraries in Helsinki do have). Unfortunately the library itself is not allowed to receive movies as donations, since we have to get a license and pay for it for copyright reasons.
Best wishes
Heikki Poroila
You are an appreciable "Ask a librarian" service. Are all the questions you've been asked archived ? Are those archives available to all the public ? Are they… |
527 |
Thank you very much! We have saved all answers since we started in year 1998. You can find them here http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/ask_librarian/archive/ (this is the search, the newest answers are listed here http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/ask_librarian/newest/ . The most part of the answers are available, only those containing personal information that can't be published is hidden. Our RSS-feeds are at present only in Finnish, but we should of course include all languages (Finnish, Swedish and English) in the feed. This is the addres to our RSS-feed, http://www2.kirjastot.fi/_channels/?ChannelId=7146af19-b294-449a-9ecc-6… . I'll enquire about the change, it might not be to difficult to change it in near future.