Information about hybrid library or any future library?


Information about hybrid library or any future library?


Last updated

Although several books have been written on your disseration subject, the hybrid library, we do not seem to have many books readily available. At this moment there's one book, Glen E. Holts "Customer self service in the hybrid library" available on the shelf in the Helsinki City Library.

You can read about the finnish vision of the hybrid library in the Ministry of Education's Library strategy 2010. The publication can be found under the address

There are also several articles about hybrid libraries in EBSCO, a full text database that you can find in most libraries in the Helsinki region.
You should also check what there is to be found in LISA, the Library and Information Science Abstracts -database. LISA is accessible in the Helsinki University library e.g. It might also be a good idea to browse the library journals at the University library.

One of the foremost excisting hybrid libraries is the Birmingham University library. Their reports and policy publications can be found on their homepage

There's more material for you to be found if you search for information on libraries as producers of digital information, knowledge collections a.s.o.
The scientific libraries in Finland are very actively developing the
the digital library concept. Search in LINDA, the database of the scientific libraries. The address is

There's also an interesting address on the Internet that you may want to take a look at.

Since there are so few books available on your subject you might want to make an interlibrary loan. The interlibrary loans are not free of charge, so please check the fees before making a request. You can contact the inter-library loans office by phone or e-mail. Their www-address is…

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