Is it possible to lend German kids' books from the Myyrmäki library in Vantaa? Can I somewhere lookup and order books, so that I could collect them there?


Is it possible to lend German kids' books from the Myyrmäki library in Vantaa? Can I somewhere lookup and order books, so that I could collect them there?


Last updated

Myyrmäki library is part of HelMet-libraries which consist of Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen city libraries. The entire library catalogue is available for everyone who has the HelMet-library card. You can search the library catalogue at HelMet web library: (available in English)

Here are some guidelines on how to search for german children's books at HelMet:

How to search for books that are suitable for little children (for example picture books):
1. Go to the tab "Kids and teens"
2. Write kuvakirjat (=picture books) to the search bar
3. Click the "Advanced search" -button
4. choose the following: material type: book, language: german
5. Click Go
This search shows you all HelMet libraries' german children's picture books.

To order books to collect them from Myyrmäki library, click "Request". Then give your library card number and pincode and click "Submit". Choose Myyrmäki from the "Pick up location" -menu and click "Submit".

If you want to search for fairytales, write sadut in stead of kuvakirjat to the search bar. Try also these search terms: katselukirjat (books for watching), runot (poems), kertomukset (tales), eläinsadut (tales about animals)

If you allready know some authors or titles you want to search for, you can also use the "Title" and "Author" tabs for searching.

For more instructions, see the "Help" -menu at
And don't hesitate to ask for help from the library staff at Myyrmäki library.

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