Is this website built by Semantic Computing Research Group from Aalto University?Would you like give me some more information abou this website,please.


Is this website built by Semantic Computing Research Group from Aalto University?Would you like give me some more information abou this website,please.


Last updated

This website isn't built by SeCo-group. The site, has a semantic "inside", and has been built together with the group by,

Ask a Librarian is built entirely by It was published for the first time 1999 and has been active in different kinds of technical solutions ever since. The most recent update was in the end of the year 2017, when our site was moved to a Drupal site. is responsible of the organisation of the answering, the contents of the archive, the site, it's development and techniques. The questions are answered in libraries. We have over 70 libraries answering in the Ask a Librarian -service.

Ask a Librarian had a semantic solution in the years 2008-2015. It's idea was to analyse the question and find the most important words in the text. Then a search was made with these words in our archive and a list of answers were shown. If help couldn't be found in these answers, the question was send to the librarians, who answered it. It was also possible to send the question to the librarians directly without searching the archive. The solution was quite popular, but it's technique couldn't be renewed or changed because of economic reasons and it broke down in 2015. The solution wasn't however made by SeCo, it was made by a firm named Connexor.

There are answers in the archive about the Ask a Librarian, for ex. and

If you need more information, please ask.

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