
18 results. Showing 1–18 hits.
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I didn't turn in my books on time. can i extend the reading time? 209 If the book is borrowed from Helmet library, you can renew it 5 times. Renewal is not possible if the book is reserved or you have received another reminder about being late. You can contact one of the pearl libraries, and we will look into the matter.
I would like to donate books in a library. I know about recycling shelves, but I would like to give books directly to the libraries. 531 You can contact a Helmet Russian library and offer books to them. 043 825 7993
My son took a library book to his school and now its missing. 234 Contact your nearest library. Bring the library card that borrowed the book. The book can be replaced by paying the purchase price. You can also bring a new copy of the same book to the library. (You can renew a book five times if you still think it will be found.)
So I accidentally spilled coffee on the table and hit the book I borrowed from the library. What do I do? 595 Sounds like you have to replace the book. Each book has its own price and ranges from around 9 € to 450 €. Usually the price is around 25€. You can also replace the book with another similar one.
I am looking for a book in finnsih language learning for adults, I made a reservation for one to pick up in Tapiola, which is closer to my home. Will I have… 657 Booking is free from Helmet Library collections. Can choose pickup and return site freely. Also returning to another city is free if the material is owned by the Helmet Library.
I would like to ask how can I donate a book to the library in Jyväskylä without going there in person ( I live in Tampere). Thank you in advance! 1244 Hi, we hope that books that one donates are in a good condition. If we have that book already many peaces, we don't take it. You can take it back when you come to the library. We don't send it back. If you want post your donation to Jyväskylä library, the address is: Jyväskylän kaupunginkirjasto - Keski-Suomen maakuntakirjasto Vapaudenkatu 39-41 40100 Jyväskylä Write a letter also, so we know your purpose. Thank you!
I have recently found a large number of my childhood books, most of which are in japanese, english and some rarer ones are in Danish. There are also some very… 964 You could give those books to Pasila Library in Helsinki. In Pasila Library, we have Multilingual Library with books in many languages not usually found in Finnish libraries. Without seeing the titles, I can’t say if those books were suitable for your collection. For more information about Pasila Library, please see at Of course, it’s possible to sell those books to second-hand bookshops, but this may take much time. Many of them aren’t very interested in that kind of books. Second-hand bookshops in Finland can be found at and
So my youngest child has managed to lost one of my rented books, how can I "replace" the book and how does it work? Thank you. 855 Hi! You can either pay the book in any of the HelMet-libraries or replace the book with a same book. From our user regulations: "Compensating for items and paying the fees You will have to compensate for lost or damaged material by paying a price which is charged according to the item’s value registered in the library’s database. If you wish to substitute a similar item for the material lost or damaged, you will have to settle each case separately with the library."
What is the best book to learn Java for beginners? 892 There are many Java manuals, and it’s hard to tell which of them is the best one. Here you have some new manuals that can be found in the HelMet and Helka collections: Absolute Java / Walter Savitch (Pearson, 2010) Java : how to program / Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel (Prentice Hall, cop. 2012) Java and mac OS X / T Gene Davis (for Mac; Wiley Publishing, 2010) Java for everyone : late objects / Cay Horstmann (John Wiley & Sons, 2013) Java for programmers / Paul J. Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel (Prentice Hall, 2009) Java programming : from problem analysis to program design / D. S. Malik (Course technology, 2010)
I have made a reservation and my book has arrived. Can I borrow the book without paying the reservation fee at that point? I mean, can I pay the reservation… 994 Yes, you can pay the reservation fee later, if your overall fees do not exceed 8 euros.
Dear Sir or Madam, I started to study portuguese a few weeks ago. Now Iam looking for simple reading books, like the Little Prince in portuguese. Which of you… 814 Pasila Library has the largest collection of books in Portugese.
How do people in remote areas get books? 1541 People in remote areas get books by lending them in Bookbuses or Mobile libraries. I got the question to here Rovaniemi, Northern Finland. But the same is in the remote places in Eastern Finland or Ostrobothnia. There are bookbuses in 12 municipalicities from 21municipalities in Lapland and two bookbuses, which are common with many communities also in Sweden and Norway.… “Collaboration with the neighbouring area also involves the activities of two mobile libraries: the Muonio mobile library runs in four municipalities in Finland, in Sweden and Norway and the Karasjoki mobile library in three…
How many books are published in Finland each year? Of which how many are children's books, and how many of them are translations of foreign books? Are there… 953 In the year 2010 12 017 books were published in Finland. 2 432 of them were translations into Finnish and 112 into Swedish. In 2008 815 childrens books were published. At this moment it is not possible to have newer information about childrens books because of the updating the statistics of Suomen kustannusyhdistys (the Finnish Book Publishers Association): Sources of information: - Tilastokeskus (Statistics Finland, - Kansalliskirjasto (The National Library of Finland, - Suomen tilastollinen vuosikirja (Statistical…
Which library has the most comprehensive collection of books in English for children and teenagers? We live in the greater Helsinki area (i.e. Tapiola, Espoo)… 1390 Vastaan helpomman mukaan suomen kielellä, kun kysymyksetkin olivat myös suomeksi. Suurimmat englanninkieliset lasten- ja nuortenkirjakokoelmat pääkaupunkiseudulla ovat Sellon ja Tapiolan kirjastoissa Espoossa ja Pasilan kirjastossa Helsingissä.
Please could you tell me whether there are English books, fiction and drama, to loan in the library at Sello? If not, could you please let me know if there is… 1641 We have some dramatic literature in English (especially classic plays by Shakespeare and others) at the Sello library, plus, of course, lots of non-dramatic fiction in English language. For a complete list of drama available in the Helsinki region public libraries, you can use the English-language HelMet Web Library at . Choose "Other searches", select from the search menu: "Espoo class" and then type into the search box the library class for English-language plays: "5.3". Or you could use this direct link… You could also use the advanced search option, use a keyword *näytelmät" (meaning plays and drama in Finnish) and…
What should be the temperature in the library to be maintained? we are from Baguio City and we are using a dehumidifier.. 2810 The site of the National Board of Antiquities gives information for care for old books (in Finnish): the temperature should be 17-18 degrees (Celsius) and humidity 50%. The site of the american Northeast Document Conservation Center states, that authorities disagree on this matter, but that the most frequent recommendation a stable temperature no higher than 70°F (21 degrees Celsius) and a stable relative humidity between a minimum of 30% and a maximum of 50%.… The library of Congress has information about preserving books on their pages, See also AIC pages…
Please translate the title of Ola Tungesvik´s book and also did he have any children from his first marriage? 1863 Ola Tungesvik has written a book in 1997 called "Jos vain saan olla onnellinen...: tosi kertomus rakkaudesta". The title is said to be a quote of his second wife Seija dating back in 1965. Seija was describing her battle towards cancer in a TV interview. Loose translation of the title would be the following: If only I get to be happy ...: A true story about love. Ola tells in this autobiographical book about his almost magical love towards Seija. In the beginning of the book he says that he has one son from his previous marriage. The book ends with Seija's death. Gunnar Mattsson's book "Prinsessa" (Princess) from 1965 tells about the same person and was a smash hit in it's time. It seems that both Ola's and Seija's lives have been more or…
I am a new school librarian at an English language school here in Helsinki. We are doing a weeding of the collection this summer. I am looking for a company or… 873 In some Helsinki City Libraries there is every now and then recycling point or book trolley for old books. You can leave extra books there and take some books to read. You could contact Tytti Tuunanen Chief Librarian of Children's department of Helsinki City Library, main Library in Pasila email: There is also international school in Vantaa: The International School of Vantaa Could it be a nice idea to arrange happening in your school where to recycle books and other jumble. Helsinki Metropolitan Area Reuse Centre have also books in Lönnrotinkatu 45