What are stats in Finland for deaths related to pregnancy toxemia? It is 6.4 per 10,000 in US |
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There were five maternal deaths related to high blood pressure disorders of pregnancy between 1998 and 2017 in Finland, all of which were due to pre-eclampsia: http://pxnet2.stat.fi/PXWeb/sq/1c8f1894-f099-414c-8679-f9780dc2bfa0. Source: Statistics Finland, Causes of death (http://www.stat.fi/til/ksyyt/index_en.html), database table 11bv -- Deaths by underlying cause of death (ICD-10, 3-character level), age and gender, 1998-2017.
Here is the number of parturients in Finland between 2007 and 2017: parturients 2007–2017. Source: National Institute for Health and Welfare, Parturients and delivery procedures. |