
3 results. Showing 1–3 hits.
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How to listen to music cd in library? 1081 Many HelMet-libraries have their own music department. You find the list here (sorry, but the information is only in Finnish) http://www.lib.hel.fi/fi-FI/musiikkiosastot Libraries with music department have cd-players for listening music in library. Greatest and most diverse collection of music offers Library 10 http://www.lib.hel.fi/en-GB/kirjasto10 There are four fixed cd-players and also headphones to loan for music listening. Also other HelMet-libraries have smaller cd-collections and fixed or portable cd-players for library patrons. Some libraries have also cd-towers for music listening. Maybe the best way is to contact your library beforehand and ask about possibilities to listen music there.
I am an oversea student studying in Finland. May I obtain a library card by presenting passport? 2004 You can obtain a library card and borrowing rights by presenting a photo-enhanced ID-card such as: I.D. card from EU countries Passport Finnish driver’s licence Finnish SII card with photo Helsinki reception centre’s resident card Your home address must be in Finland. However, PO Box, PosteRestante as well as a long-term hotel address are also acceptable. More information about the library card is to be found in http://www.lib.hel.fi/page.asp?_item_id=2316 or at the nearest library.
What is the maximum number of materials that can be borrowed via internet? 672 You may have no more than 40 items on loan at the same time. Of these, 20 can be CD's, 5 video cassettes, 5 DVDs and 5 CD ROMs. You can renew a loan 5 times(also via Internet) if the material has not been reserved by somebody else.