HelMet Library

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Is there a CO2 monitor or Indoor air quality monitor available at the library for loan? 208 Unfortunately no Helmet library has an air quality monitor for loan at the moment. Although you can find such a tool in the Helmet catalogue, there seems to be no working equipment left now. Hopefully in the future again?  In the Helmet search you can browse all objects and tools for loan at the Helmet libraries, from sport equipment to drill machines, by using * (star) as a search term and then restricting your search to objects only: https://haku.helmet.fi/iii/encore/search/C__S%28*%29%20f%3Aq__Orightresult__U?lang=eng&suite=cobalt   
I'm an exchange student studying at Diakonia university of applied sciences, and was wondering if I can still get a library card at your library? And if yes… 209 You can obtain a library card and PIN code from any Helmet library by providing your address and presenting a valid photographic proof of identity with your personal identity code approved by the library. You need to have an address in Finland to get a library card. helmet.fi. Library card and loans.
I'm a student from Spain and I would like to known if i could borrow some books from a public library of Finland without being a finnish citizen. Thank you for… 272 Public libraries in Finland usually issue cards also to people who are not permanent residents. You need to have address in Finland. If You are studying in the metropolitan area You can use the services of the HelMet Libraries. You can obtain a HelMet library card and PIN code from any Helmet library by providing your address and presenting a valid photographic proof of identity with your personal identity code approved by the library. You need to have an address in Finland to get a library card. If You don't have the Finnish social security number, the card will be valid for one year. Welcome to HelMet libraries. HelMet library card Accepted identity cards https://www.helmet.fi/en-US
Can I return a book loan from Vuosaari library to an other library in Helsinki (ex: Itäkeskus or Herttoniemi)? Thank you. 1165 You can return a book loan from Vuosaari library to any HelMet library in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa or Kauniainen. http://www.helmet.fi/en-US http://luettelo.helmet.fi/search~S9/k