"Semantic Relation And Its Application to Information Science". Please give some reference or the links on that for my Seminar. |
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You might find the following references useful.
Daconta, Michael C.: The Semantic Web : a guide to the future of XML, Web services, and knowledge management (Indianapolis (Ind.) : Wiley , cop. 2003)
Hurford, James R. The origins of meaning (New York : Oxford University Press , cop. 2007)
Information modelling and knowledge bases XIX (Amsterdam : IOS Press , cop. 2008)
Semantic Web services : theory, tools, and applications (Hershey : Information Science Reference , cop. 2007)
Stuckenschmidt, Heiner: Information sharing on the semantic web (Berlin : Springer , cop. 2005)
Here's also a master's thesis from The department of information studies, University of Tampere:
Pursiainen, Tanja´: Modelling the frontier : cross-cultural ontology… |