I am a master student from Oslo university college, Norway -and for my master thesis I need a list over doctor dissertations in the discipline Library and… |
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There are three universities, where it is possible to study information science in Finland. These are Tampere University http://www.uta.fi/english/index.html, Oulu University, http://www.oulu.fi/english/index.html and the swedish speaking Åbo Akademi, http://www.abo.fi/aa/engelska/. The two finnish ones have electronic dissertations on their library pages, Oulu university library
http://www.kirjasto.oulu.fi/english/julkaisutoiminta/elektroniset/ and Tampere University Library, http://acta.uta.fi/english/ search by department (Information studies). I did'nt find electronic dissertations on the pages of Åbo Akademi library and did'nt get any hits in their database Alma. Maby it would be best to contact the library directly http://www.abo.fi/… |