Can I receive a copy of an academic journal article ( via email ? |
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You can request an article through an interlibrary loan.
Interlibrary loan service orders are accepted in all Satakirjasto. You can also place an order by sending a request by email to your own library. Orders are also accepted by phone, but a written request is preferable for clarity.
siikaisten.kirjasto(at) |
Multilingual military dictionary |
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Is this the book you mean: Brassey's multilingual military dictionary = Brassey's dictionaire multilingue militaire = Brassey's diccionario militar (1987)?…;
This book is in the collections of some Finnish libraries. You can ask the possibility to make an interlibrary loan from your own library. |
I have a Helmet and an Arcada library card. To borrow a book from Varastokirjasto, should I use the… |
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You can order a book from the National Repository Library by using the Helmet ILL form:
More information about interlibrary service in Helmet libraries: