Can you tell me how I could find The Death Gate Cycles by Margaret Weis printed in the finnish language? |
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The Death Gate Cycle was published in Finnish by Otava. The Finnish name of the series is Kuolemanportti. Names of the books are:
Dragonwing - Lohikäärmeen siipi (1997, paperback 2001)
Elven star - Haltioiden tähti (1998, paperback 2001)
Fire sea - Tulimeri (1998)
Serpent mage - Käärmemaagi (1999)
The hand of chaos - Kaaoksen käsi (1999)
Into the labyrinth - Labyrinttiin (2000)
Seventh gate - Seitsemäs portti (2000)
The editions are sold out. They are available in most of the libraries. For used copies contact second-hand bookshops.