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I have a question about corwypited material that has been changed and then used in a performance. I am a voiceover artist who is also in University. I have… 530 First, we have to tell you that we are not copyright specialists, so this answer has been given by amateurs. According the Finnish Copyright Law (“Tekijänoikeuslaki”,, translations and adaptations are protected by the law, so you need a permission from the author when making adaptations. If it’s the same text in other words, I think it will be considered an adaptation. In the Finnish Copyright Law, there is no fair use as in USA.
Hallo, do you know where I can find the official translation from the Finnish library act from 1998? In Englisch or in German, it doesn't matter. Best regards, 957 Hi, you can find an English translation of the Finnish library act from Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture website here:
I would like to ask you about legal deposit in Finland. The law determines that National library and some university libraries (Oulu, Jyväskylä, Åbo, Joensuu… 2332 According to the Legal deposit copy law (2007) the producer of any printed material, sound recording or visual recording is liable for delivering legal deposit copies of the products free of charge. Printed material is here considered to be any product with technically duplicated text or visual content. ”The law takes no position on the material´s contents, nor does it set any political, aesthetic or moral priorities or restrictions.” (Agricolasta Aku Ankkaan, p. 39.) Thus, university libraries do get copies of materials belonging to their fields of authority, regardless of content or quality of the material in question. Since 1984 the Finnish Film Archive (National Audiovisual Archive) assumed the responsibility for the supervision and…
Our company needs the text (in English or in Russian) of Finland Securities Market Act (1989 year, No 495). Where can we find it? Our company is situated in… 672 Please contact the Library of Parliament. The Securities Market Act (arvopaperimarkkinalaki 495/1989) is available in English. The library has interlending services, tel. +35894323450, email: The text is in Internet in Finnish: , you can choose the year 1989, the laws are in numerical order.