
154 results. Showing 41–60 hits.
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Oodi gots more and more attentions by foreigners as well. I (a travel guide) sometimes was asked general "library" questions by tourists. Following questions… 227 General library statistics (both public and research libraries) and  do not include the age ratio of library users, see the pages of the Ministry of Culture and Education, (in Finnish), other information in English, Statistics for public libraries, and for research libraries, There are some researches about library users in Helsinki City area, and also some other areas, but they are published only in Finnish and  In the Youth Welfare report in Helsinki we can read…
I was wondering if you could inform me on free or inexpensive activities one can do for adults? I am moving to Hyvinkää very soon and in general, I only see… 235 Here are some websites you can hopefully find  activities for you or ask more: Wellcome also to the Hyvinkää city library:
Do you have special activities and services for people living with an intellectual disability? 226   Many Finnish libraries have easy-to-read pages in internet for example Helmet   There are other service sites for those who need clear language for example Verneri and Papunet and Kehitysvammaliitto   The Espoo Library has people with intellectual disabilities who work part-time. They work two days a week with their supervisor.  Tasks include: shelving, unloading and rearranging. Espoo also makes remembrance trips. The librarian has assembled briefcases and used them to reminisce together. https…
Can I volunteer at a library? If so, what volunteer opportunities are available? 332 There is a report of libraries and volunteers in Scandinavia in a magazine Scandinavian Library Quorterly (1/2014): Information about volunteering in city of Helsinki you can find here:        
I am writing to inquire on how to apply for employment in the Iso Omena Library? Thank you in advance for your time. 600 In Espoo, the recruitment of libraries is done centrally. You can submit your application using the form found at -> Jobs and enterprise -> Open positions -> Harjoittelu (trainees) If you have any questions Työ Datanomien TOP-paikat: Language Training: Other:  
Do you have knitting lessons or classes as a library service 555 Occasionally we have knitting guidance in libraries. In the autumn and winter, many libraries (Entresse, Kauklahti; Soukka and Sello) have handicraft clubs. You could be asking for guidance at Sello's handicraft shop.*&es=5/6/2019 You could also try the Workers' Institut courses.
I'm a member of Helmet and I've been told that some of the libraries hire out power tools. I've been onto the database and my local library doesn't provide… 663 You can find all the tools and other objects provided by the Helmet libraries using the Helmet search . The problem for you here might be that all library materials, objects included, are catalogued in the Helmet database in Finnish. If you use the Helmet search for finding objects, choose Advanced search, type * (i.e. one asterisk, meaning "all") in the search field, and choose "Object" from the dropdown menu for Format. This is the search result you will get:*%29%20f%3Aq__Orightresult__U?lang=eng&suite=cobalt . In this list there are all the objects for borrowing from Helmet libraries. To find an electric sander you ought to know the…
Can I return the books from one library to another? Thank you. 689 You can return the material to any Helmet library during its opening hours.…
List of libraries 439 You can find Finnish Libraries in the Finnish Library Directory, here
I'm a student in tampere and want to borrow ebook from helmet. But I don't have a library card. Can i order one and get it by posti? Thank you so much Phuong, 639 Hello, Unfortunately you cannot get a Helmet library card by post. You have to visit a Helmet library to get a card. Here is an excerpt from the user regulations: "You can get a personal library card, the right to borrow and a PIN code at any Helmet library or mobile library. You will get the library card when you state your address and present a valid ID card with a photograph and personal identity number accepted by the library. To be able to receive a library card you need an address in Finland. The first library card is free of charge. If you do not have a Finnish personal identity number, your library card is valid for twelve months at a time." You will find more information here:…
I would like to ask if it is possible to reserve a book if now it is not in the library, so as when it comes back I could be sure to get it. Thank you! 894 You can reserve material either at the library or in Your record at To make a request Yourself You need to have a PIN code. You will receive a notice concerning reservations ready for picking up by a letter or email, or by ordering a text message subject to a charge. If You don't have yet a personal Helmet library card, You can get at any Helmet library or mobile library…
Would there be a document on core competencies (competency index) for library/information professionals for Finland and/or European Union) - in English if… 399 We have a new Public Libraries Act in Finland. In section 17 states about competence and leadership so: "(1) Public libraries shall have a sufficient number of qualified staff trained in library and information services and other staff. Staff members in expert positions shall have a suitable higher education degree, unless otherwise required by the nature of the position. (2) The director of municipal library services shall have a suitable Master’s degree, leadership skills and good familiarity with the duties and operations of libraries." Every country has the law of their own. Please ask about the competencies from the library…
Aloitin juuri työskentelyn Tallinnan suomalaisessa koulussa ja haluaisin tietää, olisiko esimerkiksi Helsingin kaupunginkirjastolta mahdollista saada… 397 Kirjastokortin myöntämiseen tarvitaan Suomessa oleva osoite, joten valitettavasti ulkomailla asuvan ei ole mahdollista saada korttia ja oikeutta aineiston käyttöön. Kortti tarvitaan myös e-kirjojen lainaamiseen, eikä erillistä lisenssiä niitä varten ole. Alla olevasta linkistä tietoa Helmet-kirjastojen kirjastokortista:…
Do you know any activities/animations for or with people with mental or psychic disability happening in librairies in Finland? Do you know anything to raise… 806 There are some projects that have studied this topic exactely. One was in Pori, for personlig who have suffered psychic problems and alcoholism, contact Asko Hursti, on this matterää, here some information, but it is in Finnish. Another one in Lapland, Kittilä, about disabled and elderly people, contact,, for disabled in Middle Finland Vesanto,, contact These both focus on hearing, reading and activities. In Mikkeli the scope is on digital skills for people with problems in mental health http://hankkeet.…
I wonder if you can tell me where I can hang a card / poster advertising a public lecture sponsored by my church. Where are the good old fashioned bulletin… 351 In Sello library in Leppävaara we have a bulletin board for customers:
How do I learn more about finding work in a library? I am a U.S. citizen with the desire to spend about 1 year in Finland. I have a Master's degree in… 630 To find a job in a library in Finland would be easiest if you contact bigger Libraries directly and ask about the opportunities, these would perhaps be Helsinki City Library, Tampere City Library, Turku City Library or Oulu City Library (situated in different cities in Finland) of public libraries or scientific libraries, National Library perhaps as the first. You can find contact information to all Finnish libraries in the Library Directory, . It is also possible to put an add into our service, . If you need help in filling the form, which is in Finnish, you can send mail to General information about working in Finland can be found here…
Could you, please, tell me what is the nearest bus-stop and 2 nearest libraries in Kamppi area? The scedule for the library bus is in Finnish. 679 In Kamppi area the two nearest stops for the mobile libraries are Ruoholahti (Ruoholahdentori, Wednesday 7:30 PM - 8:00 PM) and Kruununhaka (Liisankatu 1, Tuesday 5:30 PM - 6:00 PM). The nearest libraries to Kamppi area are Library 10 (Elielinaukio 2 G, 00100 Helsinki, next to the Central railway station) and Töölö Library (Topeliuksenkatu 6, 00250 Helsinki).…
I would like to ask whether there is the book Bible in the main library of Joensuu? I want to borrow it if there is one. Kiitos paljon, 429 Yes, there are some. You can see the situation from the website below:…
I'm very interested in working in one.of.your libraries. I have been a preschool teacher for many years. Currently I'm finishing my masters in school… 616 Glad to hear that you are interested in librarywork. You can apply for unpaid internship. You can contact the regional library service manager. Entresse Library: Mikko Kaunisto 046 8773566 Iso Omenan Library: Juha Lilja 043 826 8746 Tapiola Library: Olli Louhimo 046 8772679 and Sello Library:Anu Miettinen 046 877 3414
Dear Sir, My friend asked me to return the books for her. Can I return the books at my nearest library (Rikhardinkadun kirjasto)? The book was borrowed from… 612 Yes, You can. You can return the material borrowed from Helmet libraires to any HelMet library during its opening hours.…