What should be the temperature in the library to be maintained? we are from Baguio City and we are using a dehumidifier.. |
2771 |
The site of the National Board of Antiquities gives information for care for old books (in Finnish): the temperature should be 17-18 degrees (Celsius) and humidity 50%.
The site of the american Northeast Document Conservation Center states, that authorities disagree on this matter, but that the most frequent recommendation a stable temperature no higher than 70°F (21 degrees Celsius) and a stable relative humidity between a minimum of 30% and a maximum of 50%.
The library of Congress has information about preserving books on their pages,
See also AIC pages
http://www.conservation-us.org/index.cfm?… |
I am a librarian in Taiwan.I want to know the teens service in public library in your country. Thanks a lot. |
1351 |
You can borrow books and different items. You can read, do your homework or listen to music or audio books. You can use the computers to surf the net or to play games. There are also board games and toys in some libraries. The library is a very good place to meet your friends, too.
Helsinki City Library Bookster
In summer time there is mobile library called "Kesädösä", where you can borrow among others outdoor sports equipment. http://nk.hel.fi/kesastadi/?sivu=kesatp-kesadosa
Book review services:
For excample Tampere City Library
Send your Poem to Library
Send a Book Review to Library
Exhibition space or gallery for your poems, drawings… |
(Hello)! I am an MSLIS student at Simmons College in Boston, MA, USA who is doing an area study project on Finland and its libraries/library and information… |
1030 |
How nice that you are interested in Finnish Libraries. You have found our website, which contains information about Finnish Libraries and specially public libraries. The site of Finnish Library Association is off course important. Maybe you will find interesting information about Finnish public libraries in Helsinki City Library site, http://www.lib.hel.fi/en-GB/ . Public libraries statistics can be found in a database here, http://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/en-GB/ . The National Library Website can be of interest http://www.nationallibrary.fi/index.html , maybe you also could visit the site of the Department Information Studies in Tampere university http://www.uta.fi/laitokset/infim/english/index.html . I did'nt quite understand what… |
Good morning, According to the Finnish library law, every municipality and city MUST provide library services. Does it mean that library services (or… |
1173 |
Yes, even the smallest municipality in Finland has to provide some library services. There are some municipalities with a couple of hundred inhabitants in Finland: Sottunga (122 inhabitants), Kökar (258 inhabitants), Kumlinge (371 inhabitants), and Lumparland (391 inhabitants), and each has a small library. For example, the Kökar Library has about 7 600 books, and 36 loans per a customer (in 2007).
If there are many villages in a municipality, there is no need to maintain a library in every village. Usually, the library is located in the biggest village, or in the center of the municipality. Municipalities can also provide library services together, but many municipalities prefer to maintain their own library.
The Finnish term “kunta” (‘a… |
Good evening, I would like to ask a question about financing of finnish public libraries. I know that there is only three sources for libraries -… |
912 |
The basic division between state and municipal finance for libraries is 34.08% (state) and 65.92% (municipality). As of 1st January 2010, state subsidy for any given municipality is 54,63€ per inhabitants. These figures are from the Finnish language pages of the Ministry of Education. However, since the Ministry of Education is in charge of monitoring public library activities, you may contact the ministry for more information, especially concerning any possible EU funds. http://www.minedu.fi/OPM/Kirjastot/?lang=en
As for outside funding, we could not find any statistics. Situations may vary considerably from one community to another. In some communities and municipalities there might be close cooperation with educational institutes, if… |
I want any information about Library toolbar "defination, how to build it, and thesis about how to make it" |
999 |
Internet is full of information about library toolbars. Library Success' website has a long list of links to different kind of library toolbars:
I have to do an essay on impact of web 2.0 technologies on library and collection management? Please help. Is e-book an example of of web 2.0 technology? |
984 |
Your question is very wide and it's hard to give you any definitive answers. When people talk about web 2.0 technologies in libraries they usually use the term Library 2.0 . Wikipedia has a nice article about Library 2.0. I think you should start by reading it. The article is full of references to other articles. You can find it here:
E-book is not necesserily a good example of web 2.0 technologies. Web 2.0 usually refers to the services, which use user driven technologies and collaboration. E-book is not like that. It is just like a normal book in a new digital platform.
Which library in Helsinki's city center has the most material in English? |
2377 |
The National library of Finland has the largest collection of material in English. Undergraduate library has also quite a good English collection. Both of these are open to all the customers, you don't have to student or scholar to borrow books from them. Their material is mostly scientific.
The Helsinki city center has also city libraries, which have English material also. The largest English collection in city center is in Rikardinkatu library. Pasila's library has larger collection, but it is situated a couple of kilometers from the city center.
Is you are searching for music… |
I would like to ask you about legal deposit in Finland. The law determines that National library and some university libraries (Oulu, Jyväskylä, Åbo, Joensuu… |
2324 |
According to the Legal deposit copy law (2007) the producer of any printed material, sound recording or visual recording is liable for delivering legal deposit copies of the products free of charge. Printed material is here considered to be any product with technically duplicated text or visual content. ”The law takes no position on the material´s contents, nor does it set any political, aesthetic or moral priorities or restrictions.” (Agricolasta Aku Ankkaan, p. 39.) Thus, university libraries do get copies of materials belonging to their fields of authority, regardless of content or quality of the material in question.
Since 1984 the Finnish Film Archive (National Audiovisual Archive) assumed the responsibility for the supervision and… |
Good evening, can you tell me something about the organization of the adult's and childern' department of the Helsinki City Library? (how many staff, books,… |
1128 |
The Helsinki City Library doesn’t have separate departments for adults and children on the organization-level of the whole library. We have 36 libraries and 2 mobile libraries (see, http://www.lib.hel.fi/en-GB/organisaatio/ ), separate chlidren’s departments exist in the main library (Pasila) and our biggest branch libraries (Itäkeskus, Kallio, Rikhardinkatu, Töölö and Vuosisaari) and they are run on the library level. Also one of the book mobiles concentrates in children’s material and services. For further information, you can find contact information here, http://www.libraries.fi/en-gb/Kirjastot/Kunnankirjasto.aspx?municipalit… . The amount of personnel working with children’s services is thus quite difficult to say.
You can find… |
Dear Sir, I would like to seek your kind assistance to give answers for the following matters: 1. Is there any connection between Finnish Communications… |
77002 |
Thank you for your question!
1. FICORA and the libraries haven't got any direct connection with each other. FICORA's regulations and licences affect everything in Finland, so they have also affect on libraries. But this is indirect connection. You can read everything about FICORA here:
2. We don't have a ranking system for libraries, but we make yearly statistics about libraries' activities. The research and public libraries have their own and separate statistical systems:
Good day ! I have a 1year work visa for Finland and am living in Hyvinkää. I would very much like to join the library to use study material for the Finnish… |
1483 |
Welcome to Finland and to the library! You can get a library card in in your nearest library, take an id-card with you. Hyvinkää libary has an application available in the Internet, but it is in Finnish, http://www.hyvinkaa.fi/Tiedostot/Kirjasto/PDF/Ilmott.lomakev2suom[1].pdf , so it might no be of any use to you. Hyvinkää main library is located at Hämeenkatu 7, 05800 HYVINKÄÄ, (hope this map opens)
http://kartta.hyvinkaa.fi/hyvinkaa/map.php?x=2547438&y=6724858&px=2.0&l… .
You are also welcome to use other finnish libraries, for instance the public libraries of the metropolitan area, the Helmet-libraries, see ex.g. http://www.lib.hel.fi/en-GB/ and the national library in Helsinki, http://www.nationallibrary.fi/index.html .
Does exist a synchronous digital reference service in Italy?? Thank you. |
1672 |
You have sent your question to the "Ask a librarian" service in Finland. Here we cannot have the best possible expertise concerning libraries in Italy. That is why I recommend for you to redirect your request to some italian library. There seem to be several services of the kind "Chiedi alla tua biblioteca":
I'm curious to know why Firefox 3 has vanished from the public computers. I think there was a vague, security-related explanation months ago when clicking on… |
884 |
The problem is due to compatibility between Firefox and Citrix system which the public computers use. So that is why Firefox is currently removed from public computers in Helsinki. The problem is not yet solved and unfortunately it is still not known when Firefox will be back in public computers.
Your comments have been forwarded to the IT unit of Helsinki City Library.
Thanks for your feedback.
Dear Sir, I am student from NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY--Library and Information Science. In this semester i took one subject about Reading Library, In my final… |
1051 |
Children´s library work in Helsinki is very active and versatile including for example co-operation with schools, Real Reader campaigns and “book tipster” activities promoting reading in libraries, schools and day-care centers. Here are some Internet pages concerning library services for children and book talk in Helsinki City Library:
Reading is a Joy, Raija Poutiainen´s article about book talk or book tipping in schools. http://www.lib.hel.fi/Page/28dbe7a7-ac9d-4775-8b97-f87256ad4d4e.aspx
Annual Reports of the Helsinki City Library containing information of library services and activities for children. http://www.lib.hel.fi/Page/617bc4c1-1451-4c82-b004-a416a77b6d3d.aspx
Children´s web pages of The Helsinki City Library http://www.lib.hel… |
How can i know the recent development in the libraries - i want to know what is the modern develpment in the libraries ? |
979 |
It would be easier to answer your question if you could define it a little bit. What kind of libraries are you interested in – public, scientific, specialist etc.? Libraries where, all over the world? You sent your question to the Finnish Ask a librarian service, so I’ll give you some kind of an answer from a Finnish point of view. This might, however, not be anything near to what you would like to know. If so, please send us – or to some other similar service elsewhere - a new question.
First of all, you could check the following pages: http://www.libraries.fi/info There you will find lots of information about all libraries in Finland. If you click the link “Library branch” -> Articles and presentations -> The Scandinavian Public… |
I'm interested in learning about the classification system used in your library |
1450 |
You do not specify the library whose classification system you would like to know about. Do you mean the classification systems in Finnish libraries in general?
There are several classification systems used in different libraries in Finland. First of all, to get a general idea about the Finnish library system, please have a look at http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/ , where you will find access to basically every library in Finland, along with their web OPACs (open public access catalogues).
Roughly, one could say that the public libraries here use the Finnish Public Libraries Classification System (PLC) and the scientific and university libraries use the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). This would nevertheless give an oversimplified… |
I read about the libraries at finland, and I like to tell you that I like to contact the libraries at finland, may you tell me how can i begin with you? I like… |
1410 |
There are hundreds of libraries in Finland, both public libraries and university or special libraries.
The best place to start when looking for information on Finnish libraries is quite likely the web address http://www.libraries.fi/ . The web site is available in English language also.
"Libraries.fi provides access to Finnish Library Net Services under one user interface. The portal serves as a starting point especially for users seeking information about libraries, culture and information services. The services are meant to be every-day tools for library workers, but they are also available for anyone co-operating with or interested in library matters."
From the subpage http://www.libraries.fi/en-GB/libraries/ you can find many links to… |
Do you have the book "Cultural Shock Finland" from Deborah Swallow? Kiitos! |
2179 |
The name of the book is "Culture shock! Finland", and yes, we do have it in HelMet libraries. Please check the current availability here:
Welcome to visit any HelMet libray!
ARBA , Walford's , D.+B.Rare Book , D.+ B. Special Collection , World Cataloge , Publisher Directory. What are them? I need information about them. |
11414 |
ARBA is American Reference Books Annual: http://www.arbaonline.com/
Walford's is a guide to different kind of reference material: http://www.abe.com.pl/html/english/details.php?id=1856040151
World Catalogue is the world's largest network of library content and services: http://www.worldcat.org/
Publisher Directory is a directory of information about publishers.
D.+B. Rare Book and D.+B. Special Collection are unfamiliar to me, but I think they are book catalogues.