Oodi gots more and more attentions by foreigners as well. I (a travel guide) sometimes was asked general "library" questions by tourists. Following questions… |
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General library statistics (both public and research libraries) and do not include the age ratio of library users, see the pages of the Ministry of Culture and Education, https://minedu.fi/kirjastotilastot (in Finnish), other information in English, https://minedu.fi/en/libraries. Statistics for public libraries, https://tilastot.kirjastot.fi/index.php?lang=en and for research libraries, https://yhteistilasto.lib.helsinki.fi/index.php?lang=en
There are some researches about library users in Helsinki City area, and also some other areas, but they are published only in Finnish https://vaikuttavuus.kirjastot.fi/lainausdata.html and https://vaikuttavuus.kirjastot.fi/… |